Abdullah Tijani

Letters of Reasoning

The Erosion of Press Freedom in West Africa

In West Africa, it’s becoming tougher and riskier to be a journalist. It seems like every day, they face more threats, arrests and attacks. The world is noticing that more journalists are being put in jail.

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Letters of Reasoning

How African Fragile Democracies Make Coup an Option

Democracy, as a system of government in Africa, is at its weakest point. In the last three years, the continent has witnessed seven coups. But evidence reveals that democracy was in a fragile state long before the military stepped in, making its disposal an option.

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Letters of Reasoning

How Free Are You?

When you look at a slave, you resent how miserable he is. Of course, he is poor because he possesses no property rights, no right to choose which business to venture into or what to sell, and no right to the fruit of his labour since he labours only for his master. 

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